The last has definitely not been heard on the star actress, Kate Henshaw whose marriage of over a decade just hit the rocks.Remember the failed marriage story THE GIST PLUS served you exclusively weeks back? The latest on the messy issue is that days back,perhaps due to frustration and all the sleaze now trailing her,Kate got across to the comedian, BasketMouth whose name featured as one of the people that wrecked her marriage.With bitterness written all over her,she couldn’t help but scream at her secret lover;”see,you broke my heart o! Why will you sleep with me and later turn around and share our s*x secrets with all your friends? I will tell you the truth,I’m not happy with you and will never forgive you for doing that to me…”.
Going on and on,she wouldn’t even allow the BasketMouth to state his own side of the story before storming out.Her comedian lover,meanwhile,is gradually proving himself to be so,so randy.Leaking on all corners. But besides that,there’s also a lousy but very sumptuous ex-MBGN who has been an item with BasketMouth for long,and many,many others.Their story too is gradually getting to the whole world.
It would be recalled how BasketMouth bedded the Kate,a reliable source said it was at an event and after the actress had become tipsy. She sent the comedian a text,pleading with him to come to her room.On getting there,he met her naked and without wasting too much time or speaking too much grammar,they both did it! The shocked comedian was with his pals when the invitation came.So,when he rushed out,he shared the good news with all those present.And little by little,the story began to spread till it collided with other equally unpleasant stories and ultimately wrecked the actress marriage.