Nollywood actress, Princess Oma Odume got married to her Canada based fiancé, Aniedi Donald Mbodi on Saturday October 11. The wedding held at at St. Jude’s Anglican Church, Oginigba Deanery, Port Harcourt, while the reception followed immediately at Bachever Hotels and suites, at No 6a Old Road Aba Road, Rumuogba, Port Harcourt.
The traditional marriage held on Friday, October 10, 2014,
at residence of Sir, High Chief Roland Ogbondah A. Odum, 10 OwhorS,Oginigba,
Trans-Amadi Industrial Layout opp. Pabod Breweries, Port Harcourt.
No mind am, she go marry person husband. She go soon join divorce list just as he divorced his pretty first wife. U ask am why him leave him first wife? I'm sure you didn't ask. There is what we call KARMA!!! Shebi Canada dey hungry you abi, come shovel snow. MUMU!!!